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Sunday, April 25, 2010


I totally forgot about this.
I keep doing that.
Let's see...Last time I was on here was....
Oh right.
When I was sick, about a month or so ago.

Okay, so anyways. Whats OH!

I'm going to Metrocon In July :D And for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Metrocon is like... an anime Convention, thing. Anyways, it should be a good time ^^
Google it.

Everyone in our group is Cosplaying. I forget who exactly, everyones doing, but I know one person is trying to decide between Marluixa and Demyx( Kingdom Hearts) and another has decided on being someone Really obscure.

Kevin, however, is thinking he wants to be the professor from....Power Puff Girls. Yep. He is. Lmao. Ah, I love him. Really, could I have picked a better best friend? I'm thinking not. Lol.

And I...well I havent TOTALLY decided, but I was sitting in my Mothers living room the other day, and she started cleaning out the closet in the hall. So she walks in with a giant pile of shit, and starts seperating it. I'm not paying much attention, untill she goes "Whats this? We dont need this"

So my head snaps up, I look, and see thats shes holding, a lab coat, goggles, and a black wig. She goes to throw it away, I tackel her.

I think I have the makings for my cosplays. LOL Because I think Im going to do two. But I can't be sure. Anyways, It would Either be Xigbar, or Vexen ( Kingdom Hearts) I think...

And Sara is trying to decide between Link (Zelda) or Roxas( Kingdom hearts).

But anyways, I'm excited ^^ It's going to be a good time.

So yeah, thats about all the new news I have....
Oh, and Im getting a Tat, soon. Like...a week. If that. I just gotta finish drawing it, for my artist, and then were good. ^^ Its going to say "Machi" and it's going to be on my arm.

But yeah. So. Thats that. Annnnnd, hopefully, I wont forget about this again....


Sunday, March 14, 2010


Ugh, I really, really, really hate being sick. I mean, sure, there isn't very much to like about being sick, but still.

Last night my fever shot up to 104.1, fun times right there.
I think I should have gone to the hospital. Because that seems pretty high, but did I? No. Why not? Because that would have been the smart thing to do.

Tylenol has become my best friend.

Let me tell you something. When your temp hits that 104 mark, you have some messed up fever induced dreams. MESSED UP, I tell you. Thank God my Temperature went down into the 99 area.

This is sorta a pointless Blog, but I have nothing better to do. Other then go read one of my books that I've already read a billion times. Or watch some more Netflix movies. Or sleep.

Well, I guess I do have some options. But! That's all I've been doing for the past two days, so I'm growing quite weary of it.

And I missed my friends 19th Birthday party yesterday. I'm very upset about that....

Anyways, I'm going to fall back asleep. I can't fight it much longer. Until next time.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pet sitting

Okay, So I was asked to pet sit this weekend. I figured, yeah sure, it's not like I'm doing anything else exciting- seeing as everyone I know went on vacation, or is spending the weekend in Valentines day bliss- which I am doing neither of, so it just made sense for me to watch these pets.

Well, I'm sitting a Dog and a Cat. First off, the dog is hyper. Which is nothing new for a semi small breed dog. Their always hyper. But the cat, well the cat is interesting.

I'm sitting on the couch, talking to the owner, and the cat comes up and perches its self on my shoulder. It then proceeds to sit there and just sniff my hair. So, I'm a little confused. I try to just ignore the cat and continue talking, which is becoming more difficult because the cat is now LITERALLY sitting on my head.

Now, I'm trying to discreetly move the cat off of my damn head but, it doesn't want to move, and therefore it will not. So, finally I just give up, and let the cat sit there. Which is all fine and dandy for about thirty seconds. Until the Dog comes over.

The dog sits next to me, and the stupid cat decides that its going to bother the dog. So, the cat still sitting on my head starts fighting with the Dog.
FINALLY the owner notices, separates the two animals, and tells me that the cat has a thing for hair, and annoying the dog.

This is going to be a great Valentines day. I can feel it....

They really should make a special font for sarcasm....just saying.

Until next time,
Peace out.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentines Day

I don't like Feb. 14th any more then the next single person. However, whats annoying me even more then the fact that I'm going to be single on this Holiday, is how everyone keeps making the same old "Valentines day was created by Hallmark" Jokes.

Really people. It's old. Stop it, and come up with something new. Oh, and stop trying to use that as an excuse when you forget to get your girlfriend a gift. Oldest line in the book. Anyways,

Valentines day has almost always sucked for me. Really, except for last year, when my Ex pleasantly surprised me with a whole day of events.

But that's all in the past.

This year, being single, I am vowing not to let whats also known as "singles awareness day" make me upset/depressed/lonely or any of the other things that single people feel on this day.

Nope. I'm going to be happy that I'm single. I'm not going to spend my evening with Ben and Jerry, I'm going to go out and have fun! What I'm going to do, has yet to be fully decided, but I guarantee you, it will be awesome.

Also, I just wanted people to actually know what valentines day is about. Not the gifts and the Cards and the candy aspect of it, but the actual History of Valentines Day. I suggest hitting up for this info. Its pretty cool.

Anyways, Until next time, Peace out.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Really? 2008?

I haven't updated this since 2008. I can't believe it's been that long. All well. Well anyways, I was just checking over the old blogs on here and realized that they are no longer Valid. I stopped writing the stories I was blogging about. They just

Again, all well.

Well, now that it's nearly two years later, since the day that I made this blog, I've decided to pay attention to it. Kinda. I mean, Im going to update more then every two years. Hahah. But Dont hold me to that, because I forget, with all of the other stuff going on.

All right, So where to start?

How about with Life? Thats always a good place to start. Today, someone asked me "Where do you see yourself in five years?"

And I really Had to think about it. I mean, Im 18. I dont need to plan my life out, right? Well apparently, its a good Idea to have SOME kinda idea as to where your going to go in life. So, again, I started thinking about it.

Im in the Military for the next six years, but its guard so thats only part time.

I plan on going to school for English

Im becoming a Paramedic

With the degree in English, Ill become an Officer in the Army, and being a paramedic with an English Major I can do two things,

Get a job as a paramedic


Get a job as an Editor or something.

Both are enticing.

So thats as far as Ive gotten.
Oh, and I want to go skydiving. But that really doesnt count for this type of list...

So those are my thoughts, if you even bothered reading this much of this, I salute you. Its much longer then any blog, written by me, while I really have no idea what I'm doing, should be.
Anyways, Talk to you all later.