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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


These are the names characters for the story that im this rate it will become a novel (im having a hard time keeping it short)

Ill just tell you their names and something short about them becasue if i write too much i will give it all away.

Alexa : also known as Lexi is the main girl character of the story.her parents have arranged a marrage for her with the main male role of the story Sebastian.

Sebastian: Sebastian is cool and colected, it seems like nothing ever bothers him. He likes Alexa alot and only cares for her well being.

Ben : Ben for the most part of the story shares lead male role with Sebastian. Ben is who Alexa really whishes to be with...or does she?

Cyrus : Cyrus is a family friend. Hes very goofy but is always there when needed.

Evelyn: At first a mysterious character t soon her secreat is revealed.

Aciro : Is sort of the villian of the story....

Monday, March 3, 2008

What I write.

What I write is different all the time, though its mostly fictional.
I have a few ideas for stories bouncing about my head currently, but the only stuff ive actually written down has no title, nothing that I come up with seems to suit it.
How ever I can tell you what the story is about.
I must warn you though ive never been good at expalining exactly what im writing.

The story is bassically about this gril named Alexa(i have no last name currently) and her family and her life. The kicker is that her fmaily isnt normal and neither is she. They are all Telepathic, for those of you who dont know that means they can read each others minds. On top of Alexa having virtually no privacy-because of her familys special ability-her parents have to arrange a marriage for her, with someone of the same "gifts", which she is not at all happy about.

So yeah...thats that for now!