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Sunday, April 25, 2010


I totally forgot about this.
I keep doing that.
Let's see...Last time I was on here was....
Oh right.
When I was sick, about a month or so ago.

Okay, so anyways. Whats OH!

I'm going to Metrocon In July :D And for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, Metrocon is like... an anime Convention, thing. Anyways, it should be a good time ^^
Google it.

Everyone in our group is Cosplaying. I forget who exactly, everyones doing, but I know one person is trying to decide between Marluixa and Demyx( Kingdom Hearts) and another has decided on being someone Really obscure.

Kevin, however, is thinking he wants to be the professor from....Power Puff Girls. Yep. He is. Lmao. Ah, I love him. Really, could I have picked a better best friend? I'm thinking not. Lol.

And I...well I havent TOTALLY decided, but I was sitting in my Mothers living room the other day, and she started cleaning out the closet in the hall. So she walks in with a giant pile of shit, and starts seperating it. I'm not paying much attention, untill she goes "Whats this? We dont need this"

So my head snaps up, I look, and see thats shes holding, a lab coat, goggles, and a black wig. She goes to throw it away, I tackel her.

I think I have the makings for my cosplays. LOL Because I think Im going to do two. But I can't be sure. Anyways, It would Either be Xigbar, or Vexen ( Kingdom Hearts) I think...

And Sara is trying to decide between Link (Zelda) or Roxas( Kingdom hearts).

But anyways, I'm excited ^^ It's going to be a good time.

So yeah, thats about all the new news I have....
Oh, and Im getting a Tat, soon. Like...a week. If that. I just gotta finish drawing it, for my artist, and then were good. ^^ Its going to say "Machi" and it's going to be on my arm.

But yeah. So. Thats that. Annnnnd, hopefully, I wont forget about this again....
