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Wednesday, March 5, 2008


These are the names characters for the story that im this rate it will become a novel (im having a hard time keeping it short)

Ill just tell you their names and something short about them becasue if i write too much i will give it all away.

Alexa : also known as Lexi is the main girl character of the story.her parents have arranged a marrage for her with the main male role of the story Sebastian.

Sebastian: Sebastian is cool and colected, it seems like nothing ever bothers him. He likes Alexa alot and only cares for her well being.

Ben : Ben for the most part of the story shares lead male role with Sebastian. Ben is who Alexa really whishes to be with...or does she?

Cyrus : Cyrus is a family friend. Hes very goofy but is always there when needed.

Evelyn: At first a mysterious character t soon her secreat is revealed.

Aciro : Is sort of the villian of the story....


AmethystGreye said...

Sebastian and Ben and Alexa (as in shortened form of Alexander).

Goofball, stop stealing names from my life. *wink*

Kidding! Just kidding!
