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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentines Day

I don't like Feb. 14th any more then the next single person. However, whats annoying me even more then the fact that I'm going to be single on this Holiday, is how everyone keeps making the same old "Valentines day was created by Hallmark" Jokes.

Really people. It's old. Stop it, and come up with something new. Oh, and stop trying to use that as an excuse when you forget to get your girlfriend a gift. Oldest line in the book. Anyways,

Valentines day has almost always sucked for me. Really, except for last year, when my Ex pleasantly surprised me with a whole day of events.

But that's all in the past.

This year, being single, I am vowing not to let whats also known as "singles awareness day" make me upset/depressed/lonely or any of the other things that single people feel on this day.

Nope. I'm going to be happy that I'm single. I'm not going to spend my evening with Ben and Jerry, I'm going to go out and have fun! What I'm going to do, has yet to be fully decided, but I guarantee you, it will be awesome.

Also, I just wanted people to actually know what valentines day is about. Not the gifts and the Cards and the candy aspect of it, but the actual History of Valentines Day. I suggest hitting up for this info. Its pretty cool.

Anyways, Until next time, Peace out.